austin shutterbug club

Austin Shutterbug Club

Officers for 2025

About Us

The Austin Shutterbug Club (ASC) was founded in 1998 as a nonprofit photographic organization.  The purpose of the Austin Shutterbug Club shall be to encourage an interest in photography, provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas, to provide an enjoyable forum for the development of artistic and technical photographic skills and to promote a healthy spirit through educational programs, exhibition and competition. Any person may join ASC by paying and maintaining current annual club dues and is open to members of all photographic skill levels.


Dues support a membership for one year. Dues are payable in January for that calendar year and become delinquent after the February meeting of that year. Dues for new members will be paid upon joining and are valid for that calendar year.  Dues are as follows:
Adult: $25.00
Family: $35.00

Club Year

The club year mirrors the calendar year running from January through December. All fiscal activities are based upon the club year. Annual club competitions accumulate points during each single club year. Year-end awards are compiled in December and awarded during the annual Christmas Party and Awards Dinner in December.

 Brian Loflin
 Brian Loflin
 Jill McLain


 Barbara Hunley
 Evaluation Chair
 Brian Loflin
 Evaluation Committee 
 Field Trips & Outings Brian Loflin
 Hospitality Chair
 Barbara Hunley
 Newsletter Editor
 Barbara Hunley

 Barbara Hunley

 Electronic Communication

 Barbara Hunley

 Roster and Name Tags

 Barbara Hunley

 Advisory Member of the Executive Committee
 Past President Vacant
 At Large Phil Charlton

The club meetings are held monthly. The goal of the club is to provide a venue with a variety of enjoyable and educational activities, geared for a broad membership base. Meetings consist of an educational presentation, image competitions or commentary, and other activities relating to the art and technique of photography.

Field Trips
Throughout the year the club sponsors field trips as an opportunity for the membership to share their photographic activities together. Frequently the theme of the field trip will coincide with that of a recent meeting program. This allows members to work together sharing techniques or locations introduced during the presentation.

Periodical workshops will be provided for club members. A club workshop is a "hands-on" teaching venue. The venue for workshops is frequently outside the meeting setting. This allows an intensive single purpose venue to maximize the learning potential through personal attention.

Affiliated Memberships
Austin Shutterbug Club (ASC) may as its membership elects be an active member of other regional, national or international photographic organizations.

Club Competitions
The ASC conducts photographic competition for its members during the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November . These competitions are designed as an educational opportunity for members. The club competitions are organized along the guidelines of Regional and International organizations to be compatible with future entries of contests sponsored by those organizations.  Go to the
Competition tab on this website to learn more.

By Laws
Here are the Bylaws of the club.

How to Find US

Austin Shutterbug Club


2913 Northland Dr.
Austin, TX  78757



Next Meeting Date:
​​April 3, 2025